Family Dentistry – Lewisville TX – Dentist Natalie Goodman The Lewisville Dentist – Texas 75067

Once decay is removed from a tooth, it can be restored with material commonly referred to as a "filling." In the past, traditional fillings were made of different types of metals like amalgam or gold which are strong but much darker in color than your natural teeth.

Today, teeth can be restored using modern materials including ceramic and plastic compounds called composite resins that look and feel like natural teeth.

What's Right for Me?

Several factors influence the performance, durability, longevity and investment in dental restorations:

  • the material used
  • the amount of tooth structure remaining after decay is removed
  • where and how the filling is placed
  • the chewing load that the tooth will have to bear
  • the length and number of visits needed to prepare and adjust the restored tooth

The ultimate decision about what type of filling is best is made by you in consultation with the doctor. In general, there are two basic types of fillings:

  • Direct fillings are placed immediately into a prepared cavity in a single visit. Modern materials used for direct fillings include tooth colored composite, glass ionomers or resin ionomers. Once the dentist prepares the tooth, the filling is placed and adjusted in one visit.
  • Indirect fillings are for larger areas that need to be restored. First, the dentist prepares the tooth and takes an impression of the area to be restored. A temporary filling is placed on the tooth and the dental laboratory makes the new restoration to fit the exact space in your tooth, just like a puzzle piece. During your next visit, the temporary is removed and the new "puzzle piece" is cemented in place for a natural look and feel.

No matter the type of filling that is best for you, thanks to modern advances in dental materials, you'll have confidence in a smile that has a natural look and feel.

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Dentist, Natalie Goodman
297 West FM 3040, Suite 127
Lewisville, Texas 75067

CALL US: 214-488-5505


Smiles for Life

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