Family Dentistry – Lewisville TX – Dentist Natalie Goodman The Lewisville Dentist – Texas 75067

Most of our patients are surprised to discover that oral cancer is diagnosed in over 30,000 people each year in the United States and that half of those diagnosed die within 5 years. That is more than many other types of cancer that receive more attention in the media and in medicine. Oral cancer's biggest threat is that many times it is not detected early enough.

In the past, a traditional oral caner exam consisted of looking at and feeling the tissue in and around the mouth. Modern technology, however, has given us an even better way to detect oral cancer in its earliest stages.

In addition to the traditional oral cancer exam, the doctor recommends each patient have a ViziLite® exam done each year. The ViziLite exam consists of an oral rinse and a special light that helps identify any abnormalities in the tissue in your mouth. ViziLite helps identify oral cancer at its earliest stages which can mean the difference between life and death.

Make sure to have a ViziLite exam done each year for your health and your life.

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Dentist, Natalie Goodman
297 West FM 3040, Suite 127
Lewisville, Texas 75067

CALL US: 214-488-5505


Smiles for Life

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